More Gore Riding this Weekend

Posted on June 24, 2018 in Cycling Mountain Biking

The trails in Gore(Empire Trails, TrailForks Link) are just getting better and better. On this nice Saturday morning, the cars just kept pulling in. I was there with my regular crew and many more showed up. mostly in Volkswagen cars, I might add. It looked a little bit like a VW club in the field.

The Empire Trails are on private land of which is somewhat divided up among some family members. Not all seem to enjoy the visitors. Some of the trails have obstructed over the years. This year a large and fun section at the back was blocked off. The trails are still on the maps, but they are a no-go zone.

On the weekend the cars start to pile up at the Empire Trails in Gore.

On the weekend the cars start to pile up at the Empire Trails in Gore.

L riding on the Bi-Hi in Gore

L riding on the Bi-Hi in Gore

The Bi-Hi trail is a short, fast, but not steep, downhill run. You can push it all you want down this bermed run, but watch out, because some of the corners come up quick and don't always have a berm. This is one of the many downhill runs we look forward to everytime we ride here. Check it out on Trail Forks here.

Sue riding the amazing trails in Gore during a race.

Sue riding the amazing trails in Gore during a race.

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